Embracing Femininity post

Embracing Femininity in the Age of Feminism

In this post, I want to dive into a topic that appears to be highly controversial among women today: how can we fully embrace femininity in this era of feminism? Is it truly feasible? It seems like these terms carry different meanings for different women.

Navigating this terrain isn’t easy, thanks to the expectations set by society. There’s this idea that femininity and feminism are at odds, with societal norms dictating how women should think and act.

Where did this divide start? And why do some women find it challenging to embrace their femininity within the framework of feminism?

As I looked into this, I found all sorts of opinions on feminism and femininity. While feminism is usually seen as political, it’s no lie that it has become a big part of many women’s lives. It’s all about feeling strong and independent, pushing qualities like toughness, confidence, and speaking up.

But embracing your femininity can feel like balancing on a tightrope. Stuff like being “emotional,” “caring,” and “sensitive” is seen as girly but sometimes seen as weak. On the flip side, being strong and confident fits more with feminism. It’s interesting though, how traits that we usually think of as masculine also fit into feminist ideas. Makes you wonder where that came from, right? (Hint: I’ll talk about it in another post) (hint: we’ll address this in another post). This puts pressure on women to either act tough to fit in with feminism or be seen as weak for being feminine.

And then there’s this idea that femininity is just about looks – makeup, clothes, and all that…. It’s a bit of a mess, to be honest.

Here’s the deal: good feminism isn’t about changing who we are, but breaking barriers. To really get what femininity is about, we need to ditch these misconceptions and rethink it. It’s hard to pin down femininity, but I think it’s easier to see it in a woman who’s truly herself.

Authentic femininity encompasses strength of mind—a woman who remains steadfast in her beliefs yet remains open to growth and learning, acknowledging that she doesn’t have all the answers. She possesses qualities that are inherently unique and not easily defined. Femininity is our strength, our resilience, our authenticity. It’s about confidently standing firm in our beliefs while remaining open-minded and adaptable. We may not have all the answers, but we’re willing to learn and grow, just like the complex, layered beings we are.

Women can be strong, independent, assertive, brave, innovative, emotional, nurturing, vulnerable, caring, and humble. These traits aren’t strictly male or female – they’re just human.

And here’s a last thought: as we’ve pushed for empowerment and independence, have we forgotten the value of traditional feminine roles and traits? Do we really have to give up being feminine to show we’re strong and capable? Should we downplay our nurturing side just because society sees it as weak? It’s sad that we’ve sidelined roles like caregiving and homemaking in our quest to break stereotypes and succeed in different areas.

So as we keep pushing for empowerment, let’s not forget the importance of traditional feminine roles and traits. They’re just as valuable as anything else.

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